Mugshots of A-List Celebs Who Were Caught Red-Handed

Even celebrities aren't above the law. From drug possession to trespassing, these celebrities have interesting stories to tell at the next big party.

Amanda Bynes

Child star Amanda Bynes had a rough go of it in the early 2010s. Her downward spiral began with this mugshot after she fled the scene of an accident with a police officer. He was writing her a ticket and she booked it out of there! They caught up with her, and thus this mugshot was born.


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The More You Know

  • Jack Black is the son of rocket scientists.
  • Daniel Radcliffe broke over 80 wands while filming the Harry Potter movies because he used them as drumsticks!
  • Leonardo DiCaprio has never done drugs and had to speak to a drug expert to prepare for Wolf of Wall Street.
  • Lady Gaga taught herself to play the piano at only four years old!
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