Mind-Blowing Movie Plot Twists That Nobody Saw Coming

The Sixth Sense

The Sixth Sense features one of the most popular twists of all time when Cole (Haley Joel Osment) delivers the most ominous line in cinema history: "I see dead people." As it turns out, Dr. Malcolm Crowe (Bruce Willis) has been dead all along, killed by the vengeful patient Vincent Grey in the film's opening. If you pay close attention, you might notice a variety of clues alluding to this—look for the color red.


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The More You Know

  • In Iron Man/Avengers, J.A.R.V.I.S is an acronym for “Just A Rather Very Intelligent System.”
  • Some Wookie suits were made from human hair.
  • Walt Disney refused to allow Alfred Hitchcock to film at Disneyland in the early 1960s because he had made “that disgusting movie Psycho.”
  • The Hulk was originally gray, not green.
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