Little Girl Gets Dream Playhouse from Make-A-Wish Foundation

In Cheyenne, Wyoming one little girl's nightmare turned into a dream come true thanks to the Make-A-Wish foundation. When the Shyne family found out that their beloved daughter Gracie had Neurofibromatosis, they were signed up for the famous foundation's benefits. One big wish of the child's choosing is typically how it goes, but due to coronavirus, her Disney cruise wish was deemed impossible. The next best thing? A huge playhouse! 

Shane Dickinson, owner and construction worker with Skid Structures in Riverton, built the shed-like structure in the family's backyard. Gracie was able to make requests for her new mini-home, like painting the entire thing pink. 

"That playhouse was absolutely the most rewarding job I’ve ever done," said Shane. "It was amazing to see how happy Gracie and her family were about it.”

The playhouse comes with a tiny front porch and a "No Boys Allowed (Except Dad)" sign out front. Inside, there are pink toys, cabinets, and playthings for the little girl to enjoy for a long time. 

"The cruise would have been nice, but this is something she can use for a long period," said her father, "It’s five feet inside; she can use that for a play area or whatever for a long time. This is something that’s going to last years compared to where it’d only last two weeks."

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Post originally appeared on Endeared.