Florida Teacher Has Sister Mail Her Kindergarten Class a Real Snowman

A small snowman from Kentucky made an 800-mile journey to a Florida kindergarten class so the Floridians could have their first experience with snow. When kindergarten teacher, Robin Hughes, realized nearly all of her students had never had first-hand experience with snow after reading the class a book about it, she decided to get creative and coordinate with her sister in Kentucky.

When Robin headed home to Kentucky for Thanksgiving, she asked her sister, Amber, to mail her some snow if they had a snowstorm this year. When a storm was approaching in January, Robin requested that her sister build her a snowman and mail it to her school. "Lucky" the snowman made his way south in a temperature-controlled package to Riverview. 

When Lucky arrived, the kindergarten students were awestruck. 

Lucky is being preserved in the school cafeteria and is making his rounds to different classes to demonstrate the majesty of snow. When he starts to look a little shiny, he heads back to the freezer.

"In a time when things are not normal for kids in the classroom and for adults… this little snowman has created happiness," Hughes told The Post.

The plan is for Lucky to be melted on Earth Day atop a newly-planted garden on the Kindergarten’s property.

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