Embarrassing Wedding Day Moments Caught on Camera

Cake Crash

There's nothing worse than a cake fail, but at weddings, they are pretty prevalent. These people thought ahead and managed not to spill the cupcakes, but the actual cake didn't get the same credit. Poor fallen sugar...


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The More You Know

  • A Nepalese doctor has restored the sight of over 100,000 often poverty-stricken people in the last thirty years across Asia and Africa using a 5 minute procedure and an inexpensive artificial lens.
  • The Guinness brewery supported all of it's employees who chose to fight in WW1. They were paid half of their wages while away, and their jobs were guaranteed upon their return. The brewery also sent them care packages containing chocolate and condensed milk.
  • The loudest animal on earth is the sperm whale.
  • Pittsburgh is the only city where all three major sports teams share the same colors.
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