Doctors Were Shocked At What They Found Living Inside This Woman’s Brain

Most of us know about bugs and parasites that get trapped in your stomach, but what about if there’s one stuck in your brain? Rebecca Palma knows. She thought she had a brain tumor, but when it turned out to be something much worse, doctors had to change the entire procedure. Read on to find out what happened behind the scenes…

Rebecca’s Problems

Rebecca Palma from New York was healthy on the outside. At 42-years old, she lived a relatively normal life. That is until the brain problems started. She was dropping things, getting lost, forgetting where items went. Something was wrong…


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The More You Know

  • In 1923, jockey Frank Hayes won a race at Belmont Park in New York despite being dead — he suffered a heart attack mid-race but his body stayed in the saddle until his horse crossed the line for a 20–1 outsider victory.
  • Video games help surgeons perform better.
  • Nintendo was founded in 1889. Before it sold video games, the Japanese company specialized in playing cards.
  • Oxford University is older than the Aztec Empire.
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