Accidental Bloopers That Became Iconic Movie Moments

The Avengers

You might be aware of the fact that Robert Downey Jr. has a penchant for snacking on set at all times. The result can be scenes like this one with Tony Stark, Captain America, and Bruce Banner. In this iconic moment, Tony offers the team a handful of blueberries, which they decline. That was off-script, but in-character. Hey, what can he say, Tony Stark likes to get his snack on. 


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The More You Know

  • That slightly scandalous charcoal drawing of a topless Kate Winslet in Titanic was drawn by none other than the director himself, James Cameron.
  • Bela Lugosi was buried in full Dracula costume—cape and all.
  • The film rating system began in 1968
  • Leonardo DiCaprio did not do the drawing in ‘Titanic’
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