Shocking Celebrity Tattoos and the Secret Messages Behind Them

Jennifer Aniston

This is Jennifer Anniston's only tattoo. She got it as a tribute to her dog that passed away in May of 2011. His name was Norman, and he would fall asleep on her feet every night before he passed. 


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The More You Know

  • Matthew Broderick was convicted of careless driving in a car accident in which two people died.
  • Actor Joaquin Phoenix was born in a cult, which might help explain why his siblings were named River, Rain, Liberty, and Summer. Their parents were members of Children of God group, which was founded in the 1960s.
  • Tyra Banks suffers from delphiniphobia (aka a fear of dolphins).
  • 35 minutes before Elvis Presley was born, his mother gave birth to his stillborn identical twin.
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