Shocked Locals Conduct Rescue Mission When They Hear Cries From Underground

Getting Some Insight

They were able to speak to people in the area and discovered that these sounds had been spooking people for about a week. It only took the noises to get extremely loud just for them to question it. They even decided to contact a government body, since this center was government grounds, but they were shocked by the response.


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The More You Know

  • John Tyler, the 10th president of the United States, was born in 1790. He has a grandson that is alive today.
  • Clark Kent (Superman in DC Comics) is also a character in the Marvel universe, where he's actually just a mild-mannered reporter and nothing more.
  • If you ate nothing but rabbit meat, you would die from protein poisoning.
  • Danny Devito used to work as a hairdresser. For corpses.
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