Set Yourself Free With These Spring Cleaning Life Hacks

Remove Carpet Stains With Vodka

Although it seems somewhat counterintuitive to clean an alcohol stain with alcohol, bear with us here. Vodka has a higher ethanol content than wine, and it also lacks pigment. The ethanol in the vodka will eat the pigment out of your carpet and neutralize the stain as long as it's fresh.


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The More You Know

  • Avoid bad decisions by taking just a minute to focus and calm yourself before making a move.
  • Prevent your bathroom mirror from fogging up after a hot shower with car wax. Apply a small amount of car wax to the mirror, let it dry, then buff with a soft, dry cloth.
  • After you've given your stovetop a thorough cleaning, apply a thin layer of car wax and then buff it off with a clean towel.
  • If you love a product, wait five days and come back to see if it’s on sale. Discounts will always be a factor, but the products they correspond to will shift.
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