Set Yourself Free With These Spring Cleaning Life Hacks

Cleaning Faucets With Vinegar

Vinegar breaks down all calcified materials that could stick to metals. Got some Lyme stains? Maybe some water damage? Buff that out with some good ol' vinegar. 


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The More You Know

  • To have an ice cold can in just a few minutes, put your drink in a large pot and cover it with ice. Fill the pot with water, add a couple cups of salt, and stir until the salt is dissolved. Your canned beverage will magically be cold.
  • Have a little paint left in that can, but not enough to warrant keeping that whole huge container around? Just pour it into a washed and dried baby food jar and keep it tightly sealed for touch-ups.
  • Don't risk slicing your fingers by cleaning a blender with a sponge—pour in soap and water, turn it on, and rinse it out
  • Ever make a complete mess of your microwave when melting butter? Repurpose your butter wrapper as a cover for your microwavable dish.
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