Secrets From 'Happy Days' That Producers Kept Hidden For Years

Rance Howard

Ron comes from a long line of actors. His father, Rance Howard, brought his family to Hollywood back in his youth. He was able to begin a profitable acting career by 1948 that supported the family. He briefly acted for a New York-based touring company, but it was the 1950 production of Mister Roberts that got him his big breakout role and launched him into stardom...


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The More You Know

  • Ricky Gervais' hit show The Office was so popular that it spawned remakes in over 80 other countries.
  • Bill Cosby was the first Black man to star on network TV
  • Full House: Dave Coulier stole Joey's iconic "Cut. It. Out." line from his friend Mark Cendrowski, who directs The Big Bang Theory. According to Coulier, to this day, Cendrowski says, "You owe me money for that."
  • The sound of doors opening and closing on Star Trek is a flushing toilet.
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