The Most Iconic Movie Plot Twists of All Time

Not everything is what it seems, and these movies make sure of that. Whether a character has been dead the whole time or is actually two different people, some films surprised us more than others. No one predicted any of these famous and shocking plot twists…

Shutter Island

At the end of this Leonardo Dicaprio classic, it is revealed to viewers that although were led to believe he is a US Marshal, his character is actually a patient in the confines of an insane asylum.


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The More You Know

  • Brad Pitt injured his Achilles heel while playing Achilles.
  • While filming Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps, Shia LaBeouf invested $20,000 in the stock market and ended up making more than $400,000.
  • Hugh Jackman went without water for 36 hours before filming the opening scene of 'Les Miserables.'
  • The code in "The Matrix" comes from sushi recipes.
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