Restaurant Critic Exposes One Husband's Terrible Secret

Jackie and Mark were happily out on the town for their anniversary when an unexpected restaurant-goer snapped a picture of them together. Though most would think nothing of it, this photo had the potential to ruin one of their lives...

A Romantic Evening Out

Mark and Jackie were celebrating their six month anniversary at one of New York City's most sought-after restaurants. Mark had reserved a table a month in advance, and the seat still hadn't been guaranteed. However, that didn't really matter, as long as they were able to spend the evening together...


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The More You Know

  • A team of six women programmed the first digital computer.
  • There are 293 ways to make change for $1.
  • Pittsburgh is the only city where all three major sports teams share the same colors.
  • The word "muscle" comes from a Latin term meaning "little mouse."
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