Scandalous Secrets Finally Revealed by the U.S. Government

The  U.S. government is one of the most secretive political powers on the planet. What are they really up to behind the scenes? Here are some of the most scandalous coverups that have been officially revealed...

CIA Mind-Control Experiments

The United States government revealed that they used to dose individuals with massive amounts of LSD in order to create an army of super-soldiers. The government has been accused of conducting further mind-control experiments, but nothing else has come to light yet.


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The More You Know

  • People used hollowed human skulls as bowls and cups back in ancient England.
  • The Judas Cradle was a means of torture where the victim was forced to sit on a spike.
  • Two Scottish doctors originally invented the chainsaw for childbirth.
  • Pigs can eat anything, and that includes humans.
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