Restaurant has Kiddie Menu to Translate What Children Want to Eat

As every parent knows, getting your kids to choose and order what food they want to eat when dining out can sometimes be a challenging ordeal. Usually children can be picky eaters and they have a hard time zeroing in on what they want to have for their meals. But this restaurant in Ocean City, Maryland seems to have figured out a funny solution to all this with their own version of a kiddie menu.


The restaurant named Fager’s Island has a printed menu that translates what our kids usually answer when they are asked what they want to eat. The sarcastic menu has a translation for all the usual cranky answers that parents get from their kids in restaurants. And each translation is an actual food menu item that they can serve. While this is a humorous take on what kids usually answer when they are asked what they want to order, this could actually work with children that just can’t pick what they want to eat. The parents can then just point to the menu and tell them that they ordered exactly what they said.


The classic “I don’t know” response orders you a triple-layer peanut butter and jelly sandwich and the always popular “I don’t care” is a grilled peanut butter and banana sandwich. The “What?” is actually a cheese quesadilla and the “I don’t want that” is an order of kids’ fries. In a ironic twist, the “I’m not hungry” gets you the most expensive item on the kid’s menu, a basket of chicken tenders.  The owner of the restaurant, John Fager, says that his inspiration for the menu came from his very own 4-year old daughter Malorie.

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Post originally appeared on American Upbeat.