Recognizing These Natural Disaster Warning Signs Will Save Your Life

Additionally, if fish don’t generally show up in a place they used to show up in, you probably don’t want to eat the fish that are showing up there. Generally, fish that travel alone or in small packs are injured or sick, forcing them to go to farther reaches to feed and survive. 

Sulfuric Smells

Hydrogen sulfide, also known as “sewer gas” is a byproduct of organic decomposition and digestion. In layman’s term, that rotten egg smell that you can occasionally catch either in the wild or in cities doesn’t usually come from rotten eggs, it comes from decaying flesh and feces. If you smell hydrogen sulfide and start to get dizzy, your vision starts to tunnel, or you get an immediate headache, you should try to find the source of the odor and back away from it. 


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The More You Know

  • Kids ask about 300 questions a day.
  • Fleas can jump up to 100 times their body length.
  • The first pair of Nike running shoes was made in a waffle iron.
  • Peanuts grow underground.
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