Recognizing These Natural Disaster Warning Signs Will Save Your Life

This is called a rip current, and if you’re not a strong swimmer, there’s is a high likelihood that you’re going to have to get rescued by a professional. If you or your friend get caught in a rip current, try to swim to the side of the channel, and then make a big loop to get back to shore and avoid getting swept out once more. 

Animals Mass Leaving a Place

We’ve already covered animals running towards you, how about when animals are running AWAY from you? Much like how animals run out of heavily populated areas when there are earthquakes and other natural disasters, the inverse generally occurs when man-made disasters and fires strike unsuspecting places and animals have nowhere to evacuate to. 


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The More You Know

  • A pack of chihuahuas once terrorized a town in Arizona.
  • A species of squid has been observed to leap from the ocean by using pressurized water jets to achieve flight, going as far as 98 feet!
  • A solar powered, self-filling water bottle has been invented for bike riders that condenses atmospheric moisture to automatically fill the bottle.
  • Indonesia has the shortest population.
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