Recognizing These Natural Disaster Warning Signs Will Save Your Life

Always keep an eye on the phases of the moon while sleeping in oceanside caves no matter what, or just don’t go out of your way to sleep in oceanside caves. 

Glossy/Shiny Pavement

There are many ways for black ice to manifest, but usually, when it rains and the ground is a below-freezing temperature, the water will freeze as soon as it hits the asphalt. Black ice is just a colloquial term for “ice that has frozen clear so it’s more difficult to see,” and this phenomenon claims the lives of many annually. 


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The More You Know

  • Stephen Hawking is 73 years old and has outlived his shortened life expectancy due to ALS by over 50 years.
  • Bubble wrap was originally intended to be used as 3D wallpaper.
  • Elephants comfort each other with chirps.
  • An exotic dancer was busted by the IRS for failing to pay income tax on 1 million dollars in income she received in exchange for sex, from a single man.
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