Real-Life Optical Illusions That Will Blow Your Mind

Obama and the Orb

Very few people know about this moment, but Obama actually gazed into this crystal ball on stage and predicted his second term re-election. Just kidding, this is the sun, and former president Barrack Obama grabbed it right out of the sky to harness its energy. Did this burn his hands? Maybe. 


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The More You Know

  • It's a tradition in Ireland that if you donated a pint of blood, they give you a pint of Guinness to replace the iron.
  • After Hitler ordered the deportation of Denmark's Jewish population, Danish citizens organized a massive evacuation of the Jews to neutral Sweden, despite the risks. In the end, 99% of Danish Jews survived the Holocaust.
  • Eight of the ten largest statues in the world are of Buddhas.
  • The world record for the tallest stack of doughnuts totaled more than 3,000.
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