Police Intervene After Teens Make A Sinister Discovery On the Beach

A Mysterious Suitcase

“Something traumatic happened that changed my life. We found this black suitcase. We were joking that maybe the suitcase would have money…[But] the smell was overwhelming," the TikTok user said. The teens were worried about opening the bag—and for good reason. However, they did do some poking around...


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The More You Know

  • Pittsburgh is the only city where all three major sports teams share the same colors.
  • St. Lucia is the only country that is named after a woman.
  • Glitter is so unique it can be used as forensic evidence if matching glitter is found at the crime scene and on the suspect since glitter often goes unnoticed by the suspect.
  • The people who are currently alive are only 7% of the total number of people who have ever lived.
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