Police Intervene After Teens Make A Sinister Discovery On the Beach

Guitar-Shaped Eucalyptus Trees

Argentina's Pampas region thrives with Eucalyptus trees, and some skillful farmers planed this patch into the shape of an enormous guitar that can be seen from space. Google Maps really captures some of the most fantastic photos, but only if they're timed right...


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The More You Know

  • A species of squid has been observed to leap from the ocean by using pressurized water jets to achieve flight, going as far as 98 feet!
  • The sun and moon appear to be the same size in the sky because of an astonishing coincidence: the moon is 400 times smaller but 400 times closer.
  • Pizza only became popular in the United States after American troops occupying Italy during World War 2 became hooked on it and then popularized it back home.
  • The longest wedding veil was longer than 63 football fields.
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