The Biggest Movie Plot Holes In Cinematic History

The Sixth Sense

On the surface, The Sixth Sense is a great movie. It's only when you dig a little deeper that makes things confusing. For example, how does Malcome not know that he's dead? He didn't care that people just ignored his existence?


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The More You Know

  • The first American woman to go to medical school was admitted as a joke. Geneva Medical School thought it was joke when Elizabeth Blackwell applied to attend 1847. She graduated in 1849, started her own practice, and opened an infirmary for the poor.
  • Glaciers and ice sheets hold about 69 percent of the world's freshwater.
  • J.K. Rowling became the first person to become a billionaire by writing books. However, she also lost her billionaire status because she donated so much money to charity!
  • Coca-Cola once bought all the website URLs that can be read as ahh, all the way up to 62 h’s.
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