Perfect Paws Hemp Donates CBD Products To Shelters

Perfect Paws Hemp donated over $1 million worth of cannabidiol pet products to local shelters in Tampa, Florida. The products given included CBD tincture oils, CBD dog chews, and CBD pet shampoo so pets could stay calm while adjusting to their new surroundings if they'd never been in a shelter before. Pet adoption rates have skyrocketed since the start of the pandemic, and companies like Perfect Paws Hemp are hoping to do whatever they can to ensure that pets have an easy transition to or from shelters or their forever homes.

“As a CBD manufacturer, we’ve reached out to local shelters to see if we can help alleviate some of that stress,” said Kevin Collins, co-founder of Global Widget, which is Perfect Paws Hemp's distributor. “It seems our CBD pet products have found the perfect home in our Bay-area shelters because of CBD’s ability to help calm pets in new environments or high-anxiety situations.”

“A lot of animals struggle with [the shelter] environment at first,” said Glen Hatchell, an animal behavior and enrichment manager. “So, I’m always looking for new ways we can safely help them remain calm until they can see that this is a good place for them. If I can help them remain calm, it helps them get adopted more quickly.”

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Post originally appeared on American Upbeat.