Genius Parenting Hacks That Make Life With Kids So Much Easier

Bracelet Back-Up

Kids are always running around outside, but what happens if they go too far off? By putting a phone number on a bracelet, you can ensure that even if your precious little one gets lost, someone can help them find their way back. This is especially helpful if your child has trouble remembering numbers or addresses that could potentially help authorities when they get lost. 


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The More You Know

  • Short on closet space? Use a lightweight piece of chain to stagger hanging clothing in tall closets to maximize space. Just loop the first link of the chain over the first hanger, and hang subsequent hangers on every other links after.
  • A Swiffer Sweeper floor mop is useful for more than just cleaning hard floors. Use it to dust interior walls and trim, too! Attach a dry cloth to the rectangle end and press it along walls and trim.
  • One of the most common ways to use magnetic strips is to hold kitchen knives and utensils in the kitchen.
  • To clean your shower head or bathroom faucets, fill a plastic bag with white vinegar and secure it to the shower head with a rubber band.
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