Genius Parenting Hacks That Make Life With Kids So Much Easier

Car Organizer

If you're signing up for a long car ride, you better bring some distractions. By slinging a closet organizer over the back of a car seat, you can keep your car floor clean and keep your kids entertained for hours on end. Bring along some toys, maps, games, coloring materials, stickers, and snacks to get your child to sit still and silent while you keep your eyes on the road. 


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The More You Know

  • Put some aluminum foil in the bottom of your fireplace before you lay down your logs.
  • If you have greasy fingerprints on your doorframes or walls, there's a simple fix. Just rub a piece of chalk gently over them, let it sit for 10 minutes, and the chalk will absorb the oil, allowing it to easily wipe away.
  • Every homeowner should have a flexible-shaft pick-up tool for grabbing stuff out of hard-to reach spots. They're also great for yanking clogs out of drains!
  • If you left home and forgot to brush your teeth or you ran out of toothpaste, chewing an apple can help with bad breath.
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