Murder, Satanism and Church Burnings; the True Story Behind the Origin of Norwegian Black Metal

Burzum is Back

Varg Vikernes was released from prison in 2009, after only serving 15 years of his 21-year sentence. He changed his name to Louis Cachet, and he began recording music as Burzum once more. However, his true identity was revealed in his time in prison, Varg had outed himself as a Neo-Nazi, as well as being disrespected by the black metal community for committing such a terrible crime against the very music he promised to protect. He no longer has a platform built around respect, and his rants on the internet and in publications are mere shouts into the void.


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The More You Know

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  • Holding a sneeze can be dangerous.
  • Goats have accents.
  • You're more likely to become President than you are to win the lottery.
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