Movies, The More You Know

Pretty Woman

The movie was originally titled $3,000, the sum Edward first pays to spend the night with Vivian. The necklace scene, where Edward snaps the box shut on Vivian's fingers, was not planned people! It was just a bit of genius improv by Gere and Julia's laugh is totally natural.


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The More You Know

  • Jamie Lee Curtis is Jake Gyllenhaal's godmother, and Jake is Heath Ledger's daughter's godfather.
  • Darth Vader only has 12 minutes of screen time in the original Star Wars.
  • Before he was a star, Harrison Ford was a carpenter. He landed the role of Han Solo in the original Star Wars film. “I was quite surprised when I was offered the part,” Ford later said.
  • Jonah Hill had to go to the hospital for bronchitis while filming Wolf of Wall Street. For seven months, he was snorting vitamin D (almost) daily, pretending it was cocaine.
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