Movie Sequels Fans Can Expect In the Next Few Years

Deadpool 3

Oh Deadpool, what would this world be without those witty quips? Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick have crafted a cunning script for the third Deadpool movie, this time made under Disney. It will be (probably) separated from the iconic Marvel cinematic universe, and Ryan Reynolds will be back as the titular hero. It will also be R-rated as well. Though there's not yet been any word on release dates, know it's coming soon!


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The More You Know

  • Toto was paid more than some of the humans in 'The Wizard of Oz'
  • The cigarette smoked by Sigourney Weaver in Avatar is completely CGI.
  • Stanley Kubrick had all the sets and models from the filming of 2001: A Space Odyssey destroyed to prevent a sequel from being made.
  • A famous ‘Pulp Fiction’ shot was filmed in reverse
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