You’ll Never Believe These Mind-Blowing Secrets from Behind the Scenes of Law & Order: SVU

Detective John Munch Smokes a Ton of Weed

He might be a member of the NYPD, but John Munch is actually quite the cannabis fan. In real life, Richard Belzer is known for regularly blazing up. Comedian Bill Maher once said of Belzer, “I never once saw him do a set sober.” Belzer first became a medical marijuana advocate after being diagnosed with testicular cancer in 1984.


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The More You Know

  • One in four Americans thinks that the Sun revolves around the Earth.
  • Chihuahuas have the biggest brains in the canine world.
  • Nutella was invented during WWII, when an Italian pastry maker mixed hazelnuts into chocolate to extend his chocolate ration.
  • A species of squid has been observed to leap from the ocean by using pressurized water jets to achieve flight, going as far as 98 feet!
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