TV’s Most Hated Characters of All Time

Healy of “Orange Is the New Black”

Healy is a prick who deserves to be behind bars more than some of the inmates on the show. He’s homophobic and evil and tries to get some redemption later in the seasons but no, no redemption for Healy. Ever.


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The More You Know

  • NBC's live comedy show Saturday Night Live has won more Emmys than any other show.
  • Breaking Bad: When you combine the titles of Season 2's first, fourth, tenth, and thirteenth episodes you get "Seven Thirty-Seven, Down, Over, ABQ," which is a foreshadowing of the plane crash at the end of the season.
  • Color TV may impact the way we dream
  • Survivor helped to popularize what is now a staple of American television: the reality TV show.
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