TV’s Most Hated Characters of All Time

Julie Taylor of “Friday Night Lights”

Julie filled the typical angsty teen archetype on the show. She was always fighting with her perfect parents, and she cheated on the god that is Matt Saracen.


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The More You Know

  • Happy Days: Ron Howard accepted a role in the pilot of the show to avoid the Vietnam War draft.
  • One of NBC's biggest hit shows, "Cheers," was originally a flop, ranked 77 out of 100 shows in 1982, the year it debuted.
  • In 1992, the Looney Tunes masterpiece "What's Opera Doc?" featuring Richard Wagner's The Ring cycle, was added to the Library of Congress's National Film Registry
  • The Jeffersons: For two years, Marla Gibbs, who played Florence, kept her job at United Airlines in customer service while simultaneously filming for the show. Sometimes people would recognize her voice over the phone.
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