TV’s Most Hated Characters of All Time

Rory Gilmore of “Gilmore Girls”

Rory started off as a straight-laced goodie-two-shoes, but as the show went on, she totally unraveled. She had questionable morals when it came to men, treated her mother like a second-class citizen, and was extremely entitled due to her wealthy grandparents paying for her fancy private school and Ivy League education.


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The More You Know

  • TV made its debut at the World’s Fair
  • Television is becoming more international with the advent of streaming services like Netflix and Hulu. The first German-language program produced by Netflix, Dark, is currently the highest-rated TV show in Germany
  • In the United States, people will spend about 17 days of their life watching commercials.
  • The 'M*A*S*H' finale is TV’s most-watched episode
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