TV’s Most Hated Characters of All Time

Paige Jennings of “The Americans”

Many fans found Paige to be annoying and this was escalated when she started to dig into her parents’ backgrounds which inevitably put everyone at risk. Fans even wrote to the creators asking for her to be killed off the show.


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The More You Know

  • The Cosby Show: Sondra was almost played by Whitney Houston instead of Sabrina Le Beauf...but she turned down the role to pursue music.
  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer: It was the first show to use the word "Google" as a verb on TV.
  • The popular kids' show Sesame Street has been teaching kids lessons about numbers, vocabulary, and kindness for 50 years.
  • Breaking Bad: When you combine the titles of Season 2's first, fourth, tenth, and thirteenth episodes you get "Seven Thirty-Seven, Down, Over, ABQ," which is a foreshadowing of the plane crash at the end of the season.
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