The Greatest Drummers of All Time

Kashikura Takashi (toe)

Takashi’s live performance is absolutely chilling. Japanese math rock is a hyper slept-on genre in the consideration of the best drummers of all time. Takashi plays emotively, and sometimes has outbursts on stage, sometimes screaming and throwing sticks, sometimes bursting into tears while playing a particularly beautiful piece. Do yourself a favor and listen to toe.


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The More You Know

  • Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez used to make YouTube videos together.
  • Panic! at the Disco started out as a Blink-182 cover band.
  • ZZ Top refused a $1,000,000 offer from Gillette to shave their beards for an ad.
  • All members of Nirvana were kicked out from their own release party for starting a food fight.
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