The Greatest Drummers of All Time

Dennis Chambers

Chambers is a flashy, hired-drum who filled in for too many bands to count. His stage presence never solidified him as the core drummer for any group, however, he was an incredibly popular throw-in drummer. He was the house drummer for the Sugar Hill label, he’s played with Steely Dan, and Santana.


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The More You Know

  • Layne Staley asked Jerry Cantrell to play in a funk band and agreed to sing in Cantrell’s band in exchange. The funk band didn’t last but Cantrell’s band became Alice in Chains.
  • All members of Nirvana were kicked out from their own release party for starting a food fight.
  • Elvis was originally blonde. He started dying his hair black for an edgier look.
  • Jimi Hendrix was kicked out of Little Richard’s band for stealing the spotlight and not wearing the uniform.
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