Texas Man Discovers Horrifying Truths About Ex-Wife That Has Him Questioning If He Was Living a Lie

Red Flags

Outside of the family issues, Blake and Lori seemed like the perfect couple. Blake’s family was still not convinced.Now, they have a baby, and Lori was still practically a stranger. It was like she didn’t even exist before she moved to Texas. Then, the biggest red flag was raised. Lori became obsessed with Blake’s family history… His relatives, their deaths, illnesses, anything of the sort. It was extremely alarming for the family to hear that she wanted to know everything about Blake but let him know nothing about her… 


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The More You Know

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  • In 2009, Burger King launched a campaign that if you unfriended 10 friends on Facebook, you were entitled to a free Whopper. The person you unfriended would get a message telling them that their friendship is worth less than a Whopper.
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