Hollywood Actors That Don't Get Cast Anymore

Katherine Heigl

Heigl had been heavily sought out for lead roles in very important movies just a few years ago. Nowadays, Heigl can’t find work, and it’s not because she’s a bad actor. Heigl was quoted to be horrible to work with on set. She would continually question and edit her script without permission from the directors. She would refuse to leave her trailer, wear uncharacteristic outfits to shoots, and generally act like a menace to all lower-ranked employees. For this reason alone, Heigl has been blacklisted.


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The More You Know

  • While filming Rocky IV, Dolph Lundgren punched Sylvester Stallone's chest so hard, his heart slammed against his breastbone, causing it to swell and his systolic blood pressure shot to over 200. Filming was halted as Stallone was flown to a nearby hospital and spent eight days in intensive care.
  • George Lucas wanted to make a Flash Gordon movie but could not obtain the rights so instead, he created Star Wars.
  • The Dark Knight made more money in its first six days in the US than Batman Begins made in its entire domestic run.
  • The first-ever animated film to be nominated for Best Picture was Beauty and the Beast in 1981
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