Hollywood Actors That Don't Get Cast Anymore

Martin Lawrence

Lawrence has committed some of the cardinal sins anyone (really any woman) in Hollywood would be blacklisted for, but he has yet to be completely blacklisted. He has, however, been perma-banned from Saturday Night Live for interrupting the show to preach about his perceived importance of feminine hygiene. Aside from being a total creep to women on set, and being “jokingly” homophobic on occasion, Lawrence has been allowed to stay within the Hollywood sphere.


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The More You Know

  • Stanley Kubrick had all the sets and models from the filming of 2001: A Space Odyssey destroyed to prevent a sequel from being made.
  • Only three films have won “The Big Five” Oscars
  • O.J. Simpson was considered for the lead in "The Terminator".
  • Wayne's World was filmed in two weeks.
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