Mind-blowing Facts That Literally Nobody Has Heard Before

The Shortest War of All Time

The shortest war in history lasted just 38 minutes. When the sultan of British-protected Zanzibar died, a new sultan took over without British approval in 1896. The Brits were pissed about this, so they declared war on Zanzibar if Sultan Khalid bin Barghash didn't step down from his position. The sultan refused, and the British army spent less than 40 minutes mercilessly barraging Zanzibar with cannon fire until the sultan fled. 


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The More You Know

  • Coca-Cola once bought all the website URLs that can be read as ahh, all the way up to 62 h’s.
  • The Japanese created a smoke alarm for those who can't hear, which pumps super-spicy wasabi mist into the air to alert them.
  • John Tyler, the 10th president of the United States, was born in 1790. He has a grandson that is alive today.
  • The horse on the Wyoming license plate is named Steamboat.
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