Mind-blowing Facts That Literally Nobody Has Heard Before

Just Green Horseradish

Real wasabi is a waxy root that you grind down and serve fresh as a paste to add a sweet and pungent flavor to delicate foods like sushi and tataki. Supermarket wasabi (and probably most of the wasabi you've had throughout your life) is just dyed horseradish. That's why people can't stand the green stuff, horseradish is extremely pungent in comparison to the real deal wasabi. 


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The More You Know

  • The Japanese created a smoke alarm for those who can't hear, which pumps super-spicy wasabi mist into the air to alert them.
  • Some cats are allergic to people.
  • North Korea and Cuba are the only places you can't buy Coca-Cola.
  • About 700 grapes go into one bottle of wine.
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