Mind-Blowing Movie Plot Twists That Nobody Saw Coming

Jacob's Ladder

Throughout Jacob's Ladder, there are many hints that Vietnam War veteran Jacob Singer (Tim Robbins) has been dead or is dying and must learn to accept his fate in order to embrace eternal peace. Jacob is plagued by a number of hallucinations and flashbacks that warp the world around him. At the end of the film, believing himself to be a victim of chemical warfare, Jacob ascends a staircase into a bright light. The scene returns to a triage tent in 1971 as military doctors declare that he has died.


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The More You Know

  • Often derided as a mega-flop, Waterworld actually took home nearly $90m more in worldwide box office than its estimated budget.
  • ‘Schindler’s List’ relied on advertisements to get costumes for extras.
  • Paranormal Activity cost $15000 to make and has grossed $210 million so far.
  • It took only 8 days to film "The Blair Witch Project".
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