Mind-Blowing Movie Plot Twists That Nobody Saw Coming


The Wilson family's beach vacation takes a violent turn when they find that they are being stalked by their own murderous clones. Adelaide (Lupita Nyong'o), the Wilson matriarch, is determined to keep her skeletons in the closet—until it is revealed that she is a doppelgänger named Red from the underground world. Red abducted the real Adelaide Wilson decades ago and assumed her identity, leaving Adelaide to wander aimlessly among Tethered.


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The More You Know

  • There’s a Starbucks cup in every "Fight Club" scene.
  • Despite pulling in over $240m My Big Fat Greek Wedding never once topped the US box office chart.
  • Paul Schrader wrote Taxi Driver in five days. It is rumoured he had a loaded gun by his desk for “inspiration and motivation”.
  • In Saving Private Ryan, all of the main cast were given basic military training except Matt Damon, in the hope that the cast would build a resentment towards him necessary for the role.
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