Man Devastated When Family Dies in Plane Crash but a Call From the Amazon Changes Everything

Looking for Mom

She spent the entire day looking for her mother, praying she was alive, too. She called her name as loud as she could, but with her eyesight hindered, it was difficult to see anything in the middle of the jungle…


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The More You Know

  • A species of squid has been observed to leap from the ocean by using pressurized water jets to achieve flight, going as far as 98 feet!
  • Bubble wrap was originally intended to be used as 3D wallpaper.
  • Bubble wrap was originally designed to be used as wallpaper.
  • Scorpions are incredibly resilient: scientists have frozen scorpions overnight, left them in the sun the following day, and when thawed, the arthropod walked away unscathed.
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