Man Buys Entire Stock of Girl Scout Cookies so the Girls Can Escape the Cold

Thanks to a Good Samaritan, two girl scouts in Greenville, South Carolina, got to leave their cookie-selling station early over the weekend.

When Girl Scouts, Emerson and Maya, were selling their cookies outside of a store, a man was kind enough to buy seven boxes of the treats for $40. The girls were thrilled.

This time, he said he wanted to purchase their entire remaining stock of cookies so the two young ladies could get out of the cold.

When all was said and done, he spent $540 on Girl Scout Cookies.

“He came back to the table and said ‘pack up all of your cookies. I’m taking them all so y’all can get out of this cold’,” wrote Kayla Dillard on her Facebook page. “$540 he spent on cookies. What an amazing soul!!!!”

Let’s be honest, he’s the real winner here with $540 worth of Girl Scout Cookies.

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