Life Hacks That Actually Work

Sneaking Out Easier

This could be useful for teenagers who are trying to have a fun night out or a parent who desperately needs to sneak out of their child's room without waking them up... Again. Twist some rubber bands around the handles and against the part of the door that snaps it shut. No noise! Don't slam the door hard, though, or you'll ruin everything!


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The More You Know

  • You can cut your dusting time in half with one common household item: a dryer sheet. Simply swipe it over your baseboards and its anti-static properties will keep dust from sticking while making your home smell fresh.
  • If you forget to bring that butter up to room temp in advance, it’s OK. You can soften butter quickly. The easiest way is to cut butter into cubes and let it sit on the counter for about 20 minutes.
  • Garage floors are puddle prone: springtime floods, melting ice from tires, you name it. You can keep that water away from your tools and toys with a dam made of expanding foam.
  • Pump up the volume at any impromptu party by putting your smartphone in a bowl: The concave shape will amplify the music from its speaker.
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