Life Hacks That Actually Work


The amount of string for your weed wacker isn't always in the forefront of your mind, right? Well, if you can't run to the store, and you have some zip ties, you'll be just fine to wack away at those pesky weeds. The usual strong for weed whackers have a similar consistency as zip ties. Substituting the string for zip ties will still get the job done, and you won't have to run around to the nearest Home Depot or Lowes.


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The More You Know

  • Have a little paint left in that can, but not enough to warrant keeping that whole huge container around? Just pour it into a washed and dried baby food jar and keep it tightly sealed for touch-ups.
  • By folding shirts KonMari- or military-style and sandwiching (instead of stacking), you can fit more into each dresser drawer and have a better visual of what's inside.
  • Fill some water bottles halfway, then lay them on their side in the freezer. When it's time for a cool drink, grab a bottle, fill it up with your beverage of choice, and let the wall of ice in the bottle keep your drink perfectly chilled.
  • To clean your shower head or bathroom faucets, fill a plastic bag with white vinegar and secure it to the shower head with a rubber band.
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