Life Hacks That Actually Work


The amount of string for your weed wacker isn't always in the forefront of your mind, right? Well, if you can't run to the store, and you have some zip ties, you'll be just fine to wack away at those pesky weeds. The usual strong for weed whackers have a similar consistency as zip ties. Substituting the string for zip ties will still get the job done, and you won't have to run around to the nearest Home Depot or Lowes.


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The More You Know

  • If you love a product, wait five days and come back to see if it’s on sale. Discounts will always be a factor, but the products they correspond to will shift.
  • Seltzer water will revive gold jewelry if you combine it with dish soap and let it soak for five minutes.
  • Throw a few ice cubes or a wet washcloth in the dryer with your wrinkled clothes. As the ice melts and the water turns to steam, it will remove the wrinkles. This trick isn’t as effective with heavier clothing but is a miracle for lighter fabrics.
  • You can cut your dusting time in half with one common household item: a dryer sheet. Simply swipe it over your baseboards and its anti-static properties will keep dust from sticking while making your home smell fresh.
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