Life Hacks That Actually Work

DIY Ice Pack

Not everyone has an ice pack at the ready, but there's a quick and easy way to make one! You can mix three parts of water with one part of rubbing alcohol to make the perfect reusable ice pack. The alcohol prevents the pack from freezing completely solid, and you can still refreeze it. It's super sustainable, too!


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The More You Know

  • Want to dry out flowers quickly and easily? Just use the clips on a pants hanger to hold the stems of your flowers so they're hanging bulb down, and leave them in a cool, dry place to dehydrate.
  • All you need is tap water that's piping hot to kill weeds in the cracks of your sidewalks and driveway. Pro tip: add a tablespoon of salt to make it even more effective.
  • Ever make a complete mess of your microwave when melting butter? Repurpose your butter wrapper as a cover for your microwavable dish.
  • If your kids have gotten creative with their crayons and your walls, there's an easy fix. Simply heat the offending portion of the wall with a hair dryer for a few seconds to soften the crayon's wax and wipe the writing away with a soft cloth
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