Life Hacks That Actually Work

Cut Your Bandaids

Everyone always forgets that we can cut bandaids to fit where the injury is! For particularly difficult spots like fingers, joints, and toes, cut the bandaid so that it's easy to wrap around your wound. You don't have to stick to the normal bandaid shape. 


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The More You Know

  • If you've spilled candle wax on a piece of furniture, don't risk ruining the finish by trying to scrape it up. Simply fill a plastic bag with ice cubes, put it over the wax, and let it sit for a few minutes.
  • Did you peel a label off a jar only to find paper and residue left behind? Using a cotton pad and some cooking oil, rub the residue and let it sit for a few minutes.
  • An easy way to tear tape and get a starting edge at the same time. Simply fold the tape under at a 90-degree angle to the roll. Then, with a snapping motion, pull the tape against the edge of the roll.
  • Before going on your next shopping spree, do your research. You might find most products to be relatively inexpensive online when compared to retail.
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