Life Hacks That Actually Work

Painter’s Hack

Maybe it's time to invest in a rubber band ball! Here is another hack for rubber bands, this time with painting. The excess paint drop can be cumbersome for sure. 


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The More You Know

  • If you've accidentally dripped candle wax onto your carpet, there is hope yet. First, put a paper bag down over the wax, then lightly go over the affected area with a steam iron. The steam will help lift the wax from the carpet and allow it to cling to the bag instead.
  • The wheel of a pizza cutter is perfect for cutting herbs in all directions. Bunch them up and wheel back and forth until you’ve reached your desired consistency.
  • Tossed onto a hot grill, fresh onions are great for more than a savory kebab. The pungent bulb can also help clean the grill itself.
  • Before going on your next shopping spree, do your research. You might find most products to be relatively inexpensive online when compared to retail.
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